Internet/Online Scams
Investment Fraud, Advance Fee Scams, Inheritance Fraud, Timeshare Fraud, Romance Scams

Internet/Online Scams

Investigative Resources International specializes in the investigation of internet crimes such as investment fraud, advance fee scams, inheritance fraud scams, timeshare fraud schemes, romance scams and other types of confidence fraud.

These schemes often involve "catfishing" with the intent to lure a targeted victim into a relationship by means of a falsified or fictitious online persona. To gain the interest and trust of the targeted victim, scammers might provide false or misleading names, email addresses, telephone numbers, websites, employment, relatives, colleagues, images, credentials, contracts, and identification documents. Dependent on the nature of the scheme, the scammer might pose as a potential love interest (often presently located in some other country) or as a lawyer, banker or other foreign official.

Scammers might initially contact a victim by means of a letter, fax, telephone call, text message, email or social networking message. As the relationship develops and the scammer is confident they have obtained the victim's trust, solicitations for assistance will be made under false pretenses, often resulting in the irreversible transfer of money to the scammer. In some extreme cases, scammers might force the victims to commit financial fraud on their behalf.

When an individual is targeted and adversely affected by a financial scammer, but insufficient evidence exists to initiate a law enforcement response, IRI can provide a solution.

Investigative Resources International will identify, document, and pursue individuals and organized groups engaged in online internet fraud schemes. Our investigators are able to substantiate concerns and identify evidence to establish proof of fraud. We also seek to gain interest and assistance of law enforcement to arrest and prosecute offenders.

Investigative Resources International also conducts fraud-related investigations in support of legal counsel in civil cases filed on behalf of victims of fraud schemes or financial scams.

If you suspect you are the target of a fraudulent scheme, investigation to verify a person's identify (identity verification) and to determine information related to their background history can be conducted at any stage of the relationship, but is ideally undertaken at the outset, before any significant investment of time, emotion or money has been lost.

Confidential Inquiries

Submit your case interest online and we will respond via email or telephone within minutes. You can also use Live Chat to discuss a matter with an investigator during normal business hours. All matters are held in strict confidence.

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+1 888-370-5557